At ECX Global Logistics, we proudly serve as representatives for shippers and consignees in the automotive, aerospace, and general machinery industries, recognizing the critical importance of timely availability of automotive parts in factory or staging warehouses for manufacturers or component providers. These parts vary widely in shape and size, but their seamless delivery is paramount to support just-in-time manufacturing and production lines, which are inherently delicate and incur significant shutdown penalties, costing tens of thousands of dollars or more per minute.

The complexity of vehicle parts classification requires a company with knowledge and experience. A logistics company must understand the classification requirements, whether there are additional duties due for antidumping or countervailing duties and if a declaration must be made to a government agency that regulates vehicle safety.

Aerospace encompasses high-value, highly sensitive parts for aircraft, satellites and other conveyances. These items also have additional regulatory burdens for product safety or export controls between countries because of the complex technology. Aerospace is often critical in delivery for an aircraft on the ground.

ECX Global Logistics has built industry teams around the ability to respond rapidly and accurately, and these skills are in everything that we do for all of our clients.

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